Who We Are

ASHA ( Abdullah Saleh Hadran Al Bahri  Est) is a leading construction contractor in the KSA.

We have shaped the skylines of major cities, set the infrastructure for large industrial facilities and built landmark projects in healthcare, hospitality, commercial and residential. We focus on delivering quality while maintaining the highest health and safety standards.


List Of Our Services



To ensure a smooth start to the construction phase of a project, ASHA makes all necessary efforts to help the bidders become familiar with the project design and how it will be realized. Important to this process is the organization of a pre-construction conference. Adcon arranges this conference to meet with the bidders. The efficient administration of this meeting includes organizing the meeting, preparing a detailed agenda, outlining known and foreseeable conflicts, recording minutes of the meeting and distributing meeting minutes and action items. Other pre-construcition planning tasks performed by ASHA include coordination with utility companies, zoning officials, conservation district officials, community members and press representatives as required, during the initial project planning and the design phases.Learn More »

General Construction

  • We respect the value and contribution of every person and recognize that every job is essential to our success.
  • We are ethical and honest.
  • We provide a workplace free from harassment of any kind.
  • We communicate openly and honestly throughout the organization.
  • We actively listen to each other, and acknowledge and respect each other’s values.
  • We believe that teams, not individuals, are the essential unit of this organization.
  • We recognize the value and importance of balance between work and family.
  • We believe that work should be fun.
  • We recognize and reward performance.
  • We want to be the best. Not the biggest. The BEST!

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Our ProfileLearn More »


Manpower SupplyLearn More »


List Of ASHA Projects

مؤسسة عبدالله صالح هدران آل بحري التجارية Abdullah Saleh Hadran Al Bahri Est.مؤسسة عبدالله صالح هدران آل بحري التجارية Abdullah Saleh Hadran Al Bahri Est.Kinfdome Of Saudi Arabia +966505812856 Email : info@asha-est.com Website www.asha-est..com